Alpha-gal allergy is an allergy to the carbohydrate molecule attached to the proteins found in all mammal meat and their by products. For those who are the most reactive it can trigger a condition called mast cell activation syndrome where their mast cells become over active and release histamines in response to so many things. Plus others have developed other allergies or sensitivities that they have to manage. It is confusing.
If you are newly diagnosed you need to focus on removing all mammal meats from your diet. If you are still having reaction go a step further and remove the by products like vitamin d3, gelatin, glycerin, and additives made from mammal to prepared foods that can be listed as natural flavors, mono and diglycerides, carrageenan etc. If still reacting after removing all mammal and it’s by products then you may need to remove dairy…milk, cheese, whey, lactose etc. (About half of people with alpha gal react to dairy).
In time you will learn what affects your body. Everyone’s level of sensitivity and everyone’s reaction are so different.
Remember reactions most often are delayed by anywhere from 2 to 10 hours or more. So if you have a reaction look at what you ate earlier in the day. Also know that alpha-gal is a allergy that can produce a reaction anytime you ingest mammal meat or its byproducts but it may not cause you to react everytime you eat it. So you could eat a hamburger today and do absolutely fine but it the same thing in a few days and land in the hospital from a reaction.
Remember also that over time your sensitivity can increase or decrease so you need to learn to listen to your body to know how to adjust.